Good Samaritan Found Dead

Hanna Maxwell
6 min readJun 13, 2023


The ravaged body of the Good Samaritan was found early this morning by a cyclist. “I was on the other side of the pond, on the trail,” said the cyclist, who wants to remain anonymous, “People kept tripping over something. When I got closer I saw people taking pictures with a body. I took one really quick, and then called the cops right away.

Police questioned residents of the area and looked for witnesses, unfortunately, no one saw a thing.

In other news, one teenager was killed and another narrowly escaped two serial killers yesterday afternoon. The two teens were on their way out to get some tacos when they stopped to give roadside assistance to a couple who appeared to have been in an accident on Clowntown Rd.

As the teens approached to render aid, the man got up and shot one of them who later died on his way to the hospital. The other teen was able to escape into the forest. The names of the teens are being withheld as they’re both minors, however, you can find the survivors story on Instagram along with links to her GoFundMe. The two suspects were able to evade custody and are still at large; their links are below.


I saw a similar scenario play out on a popular television show, a motorcycle lying on its side, a couple on the ground, seemingly unconscious. Would you stop? Would you stop if you were armed? Is being armed even a consideration? Why? Why not? Do you think there’s more violence in the past 20 years than in previous years or that we just have a more global perspective now?

Is the internet just a giant eye that sees everything connected to it? An eye and an ear connected to everything and everyone, everywhere, all the time? It all seems so invasive sometimes, other times it’s like having your finger on the pulse of the whole world. We had this giant door open to us all and could have connected with people like never before, instead we have become more disconnected than ever from each other and ourselves in some cases. Everyone knows it and just watches complacently.

Complacency could be the death of us.

We live in a culture where a person can knock on your door in the middle of the night, beaten and bloody, and there’s a 50% chance that if you open the door they’ll either kill you or obtain access to your home for the six thugs waiting outside who want to come in and stream themselves robbing and torturing you.

Worse yet, after they’ve been caught, they can tell their sad, sad childhood story, get some sympathy for their arc, do a stint of time and come out of jail with a book deal, a huge following and a fresh deck of victim cards. Suddenly they’ll be mental health “experts” in high demand, making money hand over fist doing appearances and podcasts, telling their ever more embellished story.

This is the world being constructed now. Mental health issues are being marketed as trending and pandered to target audiences who are all Hungry Hippo about it. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies and mental health institutions are billions of dollars a year industries. There’s a lot of money maintaining illness, none in curing it, take that into account next time you’re fielding a new diagnonsense.

Where has people’s strength gone? Where has their goodness gone? There’s a type now who justifies not standing up for anyone, including themselves, while they bully anyone who doesn’t immediately agree with their agenda identity. These types of people take one thing they only think they know about a person and more often than not, erroneously judge their entire character based on that one ASSumption. It seems to make it easier for them to dismiss people out of hand. It’s all very divisive and limits experience.

Look, I know that the isolation felt during the pandemic really messed up a lot of people, especially youth. Young people should have been out and about, hanging with their friends. Now, too many of them are tightly wound clods of self-diagnosed, self-induced and self-maintained mental illness and I find that sad. Not to mention, they want it both ways. To generate a following, they have to be strong, to maintain the illness, they have to be weak. A toxic environment and toxic relationships also require maintenance. It’s a horribly self-limiting place to choose to be, they’re required to get in their own way.

Now, let’s not get our knickers all a-twist, I’m in no way claiming that everyone who has a mental illness is being disingenuous. I am saying that when I was homeless I had to go to “job training” at the DHS and such, I met a lot of people in dire circumstances. They figured that since I was in the same room as they were, I must think the same way they did, so they told me everything. It was always a contest for them about who was getting the most money out of the government.

To keep it simple, I’m referencing the people who are legitimately in need of help and can’t get it because so many funds and program spaces are being used up by fraudsters. There’s also the time and energy of the under-paid, under-appreciated people who work within those programs, they’re meant to help people who will use the help productively, not provide a livelihood to people who are just lazy and non-productive. The many ruin it for the few.

I speak for the quiet ones, the coping ones, the ones who haven’t given mental illness so much of their power that it’s become their entire identity, maintaining it their entire livelihood.

People are forgetting how to communicate as they get more and more of their validation online. Observation and evidence become unimportant to them. Real people and genuine experience become unimportant to them. There was a time when people thought that other people were smart; they liked learning from one another. Now, more and more people only trust the internet to learn from, ironically the most misinformation laden source since toddlers playing the telephone game.

Once people start to consult the internet more than they consult the people in their lives, observable evidence, and even their own instincts, their relationships take a dive. Why respect parents when they can’t teach you anything you can’t learn online? Shoot, they don’t even know how to use tech! Why respect teachers for that matter, or doctors?

So people respect their ability to Google things and build their own algorithm, a world where they can live completely uncontested. How torturously limiting! At the same time, much can be learned from the internet for those willing to seek information that coincides with the truth while taking into account that while we all create our own truth, our integrity is measured by how close ours is to the real thing.

I was on a train with the Good Samaritan when I started writing this. That train has de-railed, but that’s how Gorgonzola journalism works. The point is that current culture punishes people who don’t deserve it while it simultaneously glorifying people who don’t deserve it. All the while, genuinely good people are just trying to stay out of the way. On one hand it seems like it would be hard to be “good” in such a wrecked world. On the other hand, it’s actually pretty easy to be better right now since the bar is so very low.

These days success almost always requires a train-wreck, be a train-wreck and you might just make it big in this world, at least while the insanity lasts, and provided you are consumer aged. What will you do though, when people begin to awaken from the toxic, divisive thing that wokism has become? How good will you be? How ashamed?



Hanna Maxwell
Hanna Maxwell

Written by Hanna Maxwell

Creator of Gorgonzola Journalism, Author, Consultant, Traveler, Polymath, Mediator to the Gods, Reader, M.H., C.H.T., O.M.D.

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