Awaken From Wokism
I am a fan of feminism, but not of feminists.
Over-correction comes with a lot of twists.
I’m not concerned about your race, why do you shove it all up in my face?
I know who you are and if I don’t I’d love to meet you.
But your mind is so open, it’s closed.
I am a fan of sexual exploration, believe it, I have given my donation.
So stop fucking with me verbally, alphabet community.
You do you. I’ll take care of me.
And mental health is important, yes, but it’s not something you go out and shop for like a dress,
You’re not meant to wear your dis-ease like an outfit,
a diagnonsense to define you, here is your members kit.
You get a deck of victim cards, use them wisely.
You also get some meds and 6 months of cheap therapy.
All this so you’ll discover you’ve become the thing you hate.
But you’ve made your bed, laid in it, and now it’s far too late.
Do you stay the thing that you’ve become? You’ve got excuses on the shelf,
Can you become the thing that you hate without hating yourself?
Or, maybe you should.
The time has come, awaken from being woke, we’re all too smart for this
Let’s not become a joke.
You don’t have to whine to care, you don’t have to be barbaric to be heard.
You just have to make sense. Do you? Or are you being absurd?
I’m only asking you to think.